Fleurieu, Perceptions of Place.
Photographs made on the lands of the Kaurna and Ngarrindjeri peoples
Exhibition resulting from the
Inaugural SALA Solo Photography Award.
For the most outstanding work in any medium in SALA Festival 2023.
See the Finalist Exhibition:
10 Jul – 31 Aug
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Keith Murdoch House
31 Waymouth St, Adelaide
- Aktins Labcast with Paul Atkins where we talk about the show:
- https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/atkins-labcast-ep43-david-hume-interview/id1504448614?i=1000622020064

Fleurieu, Perceptions of Place
View Works online (Praxis Website)
Praxis ArtSpace
68-72 Gibson Street, Bowden, SA, 5007
27 JUL – 26 AUG 2023 OPEN WED-SAT 11-4PM
– Atkins Lab and

The Fleurieu is a place I know and belong; my early memories of the sea are all from here. In my twenties I came back from travelling overseas and saw it differently. I had the strong feeling that it could not last as it was. As I looked across the city from the hills everything built seemed transitory; uncomfortably perched on a land that had not invited it to be there.

Seascapes are made only of air and water – materials that are both transparent and colourless – and yet seascapes are full of colour and beauty

Photography is a process I love, that starts with an act of observation; looking deeply at a scene, analysing it and then imagining what it might become. When looking at the light changing over water and sky I feel to be looking at something even older than the land. I see something that is always changing, yet which has a deep sense of permanence.